Roulette Formulas Guarenteed to BREAK the House


Retired; APRIL 2014 Thank You Gambling
Sep 20, 2004
Ok,,,, I know all of you are gonna Bust my balls fro that statement,,, haha,,, but I wanted to get peoples attention,,,,
Heres the First formula,,,, this one is Great,,, and the BONUS is that its not that difficult to master

Two bets are made on every spin:

Low (1-18) and the 3rd Dozen (25-36)

Bet One - One to Eighteen

The 1 - 18 bet on the outside of the roulette table covers the numbers 1 to

18. This bet pays even money, meaning that a $1 bet pays $1 if any of the

numbers 1 to 18 come up on the next spin.


Bet Two - Third Dozen

The 3rd Dozen or 3rd 12 bet on the outside of the roulette table covers the

numbers 25 to 36. This bet pays two to one, meaning that a $1 bet pays $2 if

any of the numbers 25 to 36 come up on the next spin.


Placing the Two Bets Together: 1-18 and the 3rd Dozen

You can cover 30 numbers on the roulette layout by placing two bets on every

spin: 1-18 and the 3rd Dozen.

Only 8 numbers can make you lose:

0,00,19,20,21,22,23 and 24.

You must place the two bets in the proper amount of 3 chips on 1-18 and 2 chips on the 3rd Dozen.


If 1 to 18 comes up, you win 3 chips on 1-18 and lose 2 chips on 25 to 36, for a profit of 1 chip.

If 25 to 36 comes up, you win 4 chips on that bet and lose 3 chips on 1-18 for a profit of 1 chip.

How Many Times in a Row Can the Two Bets Lose?

You will be very happy to know that the two bets together don't lose very often and not too many times in a row. That's because on every spin you have 30 chances of winning versus only 8 chances of losing. The odds of winning are tremendously in your favor!

After thousands of test spins using recorded casino spins, the most times in a row the two bets lost were four times. Four times in a row is incredible!

In an average 1,000 spins, there should be 210 single losses, 40 two-in-a-row losses; 9 three-in-a-row losses; 2 four-in-a-row losses and 0 five-in-a-row or more losses. These numbers are based on mathematical probability.

During our testing, the numbers varied from each group of 1,000 spins, but not by much.

We have never seen a five-in-a-row loss in our testing. This doesn't mean five in a row or more are not possible. Anything is possible, but the odds against seeing five in a row losses or more are astronomical! On average, you will experience a two-in-a-row or more loss once every 40 spins. With such a low "losses in a row" rate, you can formulate simple winning progressions to take advantage of these great odds.

A Winning Progression

If any one of the eight losing numbers come up, 0,00,19,20,21,22,23 or 24, you lose both bets for a total loss of 5 chips. If you bet 5 chips on every spin, you will lose money in the long run. However, if you increase your two bets after a loss, you will win more money in the long term than you lose in the short term.

Here is a winning progression:

One Loss:

Our "basic bet" is 3/2 (3 chips on 1-18 and 2 chips on the 3rd Dozen).

Continue to bet 3/2 until you have a loss (when 0,00.19,20,21,22,23 or 24 comes up).

After your first losing bet increase your bet to 9/6.

If that bet wins, your next bet is also 9/6.

If that bet wins, you have made a 1 chip profit.

You only need to win the next two spins in a row to show a profit.

For example, the first spin is 21. You lose 5 chips.

Your next bet is 9 chips on 1-18 and 6 chips on the 3rd Dozen.

The next spin is 4. You win 9 chips on 1-18 and lose 6 chips on the 3rd Dozen for a profit of 3 chips.

When you subtract the 5 chips you lost on the first spin, you're still down 2 chips.

Your next bet is again 9 and 6 chips. The next spin is 7.

You're profit for this spin is again 3 chips. Add that to your minus 2 chips and you're ahead 1 chip. You now go back to your basic bet of 3/2 chips.

Two Losses in a Row:

Our "basic bet" is 3/2 (3 chips on 1-18 and 2 chips on the 3rd Dozen).

After first losing bet your next bet is 9/6.

If that bet loses, your next bet is 33/22.

If that bet wins, your next bet is also 33/22.

If that bet wins, you have made a 1 chip profit.

Your next bet is again 3/2

Three Losses in a Row:

Our "basic bet" is 3/2 (3 chips on 1-18 and 2 chips on the 3rd Dozen).

After first losing bet your next bet is 9/6.

If that bet loses, your next bet is 33/22.

If that bet loses, your next bet is 74/36.

If that bet wins, your next bet is also 74/36.

If that bet wins, your next bet is also 74/36. Your next bet is again 3/2.

If either of the last two bets lose, take the $185 loss and play again later. Don't risk more than $100 on any spin.

Total bankroll is $185.

In an average 1,000 spins you should win $630. ($1,000 minus 2 losses of

$185 each). As stated earlier, you should only experience 2 four-in-a-row

losses per thousand spins.

The above progression is the one we use when we play this system. You can experiment with your own progressions if you'd like.

***** OK this last section,,, I dont agree with,,, but it is part of the listed formula,,, I am a believer in taking ONES losses or Wins once they have reached Specific points,,*******
good luck to all

converting Four-in-a-row Losses to Winners

We have found a secret that eliminates most four-in-a-row losses! Anytime

one of the eight losing number shows up, switch to the opposite two bets for the next bet: (on the next bet after a loss, place 9 chips on 19-36 and 6 chips on the 1st Dozen). Then, switch back to your normal bets.

Consider this sequence of spins:






21 (betting on 19-36 and the 1st Dozen turns this into a win!)

19 (switching back to 1-18/3rd Dozen turns this into one loss)

23 (betting on 19-36 and the 1st Dozen turns this into a win!)

This is truly the World's Best and Safest Roulette System. Good luck. And don't forget to thoroughly test this system before you play it for real money.

New member
Sep 21, 2004
not this again.

Stay away from these types of games, you have zero chance of winning in the long run.

Retired; APRIL 2014 Thank You Gambling
Sep 20, 2004
Pancho,,,,, Did you even read the formula????

Retired; APRIL 2014 Thank You Gambling
Sep 20, 2004

******This formula is great,,,,, It SETS Limits!,,,, and that is the KEY ingrediaent to ANY formula,,,,*********

Bonus Roulette System II

How to Earn $1,000 Day with One Bet!

The absolute smartest way to gamble is to place the fewest number of bets. This Smart Roulette System allows you to win $100 or $1,000 daily with one smart bet. It requires a bankroll of 11 chips-$11,000 using $1,000 chips; $1100 using $100 chips, $275 using $25 chips or $55 using $5 chips. You'll be betting on 33 inside numbers at the same time. Place 4 chips on the 1st dozen, 4 chips on the 2nd dozen, 2 chips on the double street 25-30 and 1 chip on the 31-33 street. You'll win 1 chip if any of the numbers 1-33 come up; you'll lose 11 chips if 0, 00, 34, 35 or 36 come up. You have a 33 to 5 chance of winning! This is the smartest and safest bet you can make in the casino!

For added safety, wait for the 0 or 00 to show up once or twice in a row before betting. If you're playing with $100 or $1,000 chips just make one bet per day. Don't be greedy!

Retired; APRIL 2014 Thank You Gambling
Sep 20, 2004
haha,,,, Hi Dell,,,,
Identity got my blood Flowing again,,, he posted a lame version of a roulette formula,,, thes 3 I will post are Much Sharper,,,,
Read over them,,, and play them on a computer for a few hours,,, you will see they are decent,,,,,
all the best,,,,

Retired; APRIL 2014 Thank You Gambling
Sep 20, 2004
Will Post 3rd formula tonight,,,,
good luck to all

New member
Sep 21, 2004
"Pancho,,,,, Did you even read the formula????

I don't have to.

The best advice about these games can be summed up in 3 words, DONT PLAY THEM.

New member
Sep 21, 2004

Is this a joke or are you actually serious ?

Yes you have the odds in your favor on any single spin ( you win on 30 of the 38 possible outcomes). With each spin your chances of winning are approximatly 74 %. However you are laying 5 to 1 for a play that you actually have less than a +400 shot of winning.

Surely you can see that. You will either lose 5 chips ( 3 and 2 ) or win 1 chip. The BREAK EVEN point would be winning 83.3 % of the time, you are only going to win 74%.

I know you are saying to double up bets win you lose, but chasing is an idea millions of gamblers have come up with, and it simply doesnt work. You may win for a while chasing, but there WILL come a point where you lose 7 or 8 straight and you will lose every penny you have.

New member
Sep 21, 2004
So in formula #2 your saying out of every 38 times you try will win $1000 33 times..and lose $11,000 5 times? I have a roulette wheel in my me for directions.

There's always next year, like in 75, 90-93, 99 &
Sep 20, 2004
LOL Bases ...

.. Tate, sorry to tell you, but in roulette there are ZERO winning methods ...

.. it's not a question of "if" the house will take you, it's a question of "when" and for how much

New member
Sep 21, 2004
Okay, I'm not going to be around much to answer questions that I think will likely arise from this post, but saw this and wanted to put in my $0.02:

There is a way to beat roulette, but it goes far beyond what most people are willing to do, and the people who do it often rely on computers.

It is called "clocking the wheel".

You need to find a roulette wheel with two things:

1) A roulette wheel where the track, for whatever reason, creates a biased fall-off point - not being perfectly level would be one example, but there are other reasons (this is not as uncommon as you would think). That is, the point at which the ball falls off of the track and into the actual wheel (where the numbers are), will not be 100% random. While it is theoretically possible to beat even a level wheel, it requires precision greater than is humanly possible (someday, with computer eyes watching the wheel, this will be possible). And, it doesn't have to be "that" biased a wheel - it's not like the ball needs to fall from the same spot every time or anything close to it.

2) Once the ball does drop, it must either:
a) bounce very little (these are not that common), or
b) it must bounce in a predictable manner (for example, after it initially hits the wheel, it bounces between 15-20 spots away from where it initally struck the wheel).

Now it is a simple (NOT) matter of, once the ball is spun, to be able to calculate its rate of decent (how quickly is it slowing down), and how fast the roulette wheel itself is spinning. You can then predict which numbers are most likely to be under the ball when it drops off the wheel, and if necessary, adjust if it is a wheel that bounces a predictable amount.

Read the book "The Eudaemonic Pie" by Thomas A. Bass

The computer described in that book has existed for at least 10 years (probably longer).

Good Luck,

New member
Sep 21, 2004
I ran the experiment
1 dollar chips;
13 tries;
1 back to back L after 5 tries and then 1 single L two tries later.

Final tally plus 10 bucks
Not good for your blood pressure when you have to place those 55 bets two times in a row after only 5 tries.
I wouldn´t try it with any kind of real money

New member
Sep 20, 2004
dell dude i seen your, commments on the way u play, and u waste money. Please dont tell people how ot play black jack.

Retired; APRIL 2014 Thank You Gambling
Sep 20, 2004
I will be Posting my thrid formula later,,,,

Retired; APRIL 2014 Thank You Gambling
Sep 20, 2004
OK,,,, here is the 3rd,,, and final formula,,,

(there are many more,,,, but this one is actually the most fun,,,,)

You need a Croupier that has a brain,,,and is not square,,, and you need to make sure you HINT!! at what you want,,,(I will explain) you also need to make sure the Pit boss is concerned with the other side of the tables,,,,,

It is up to the croupier to halp you win or not,,, Hence my point,,, you need a guy or girl that is not a square,,,,

what is the One thing they allow the Croupier to control???

the speed of the wheel,,, they allow them to control the speed,,, you need to get on a wheel with not more than 2 others!! preferrably 1 or NONE,,, and be descreet with your comments to the Croupier,,,,
YOu need him-or her to CONTROL the speed of the wheel;,,

first ... I always say to them,,, I will tip you according as to how I win,,, You will receive a 32 dollar tip EVERY TIME I WIN,,,
then HInt as to the wheel speed your looking for,,, be Subtle,,,, they know what the F*** you are looking for,,,,

"Wow thats fast,," and smirk negatively,

"thats a good spin,,, I can see you knwo EXACTLY where to KEEP it,,," and smirk Positively,,,

you neeed only chart 5 spins or so, to Gauge a 5 number pattern,,,,
thats right,,,, Provided the man can control his "Ivory BALLS" you will have a SPOT Close to where he releases the ball,,,an ENDPOINT as to where it will stop,,,, usually within 5 numbers,,,, that is what I usually play,,,, a 5 number SPOT Opposite of where he releases,,,,,

remember I said you need a guy who will Play,,,, so I always Put a SEPORATE 1 dollarr chip on those 5 numbers I have chosen OPPOSITE his release,,,,Hence HIS 32 dolalr TIP,,,

He will NOT watch the board,,,, he doesnt have to,,, you are,,,, he only needs to keep his SPINS consistant,,This will keep him safe,,and You winning,,,, you need only to Hit his Mark 1 out of 6 times to be in the money,,, and he is Looking at a VERY NICE 32+ DOLLARS worth of TIPS every spin,,,,

*** VERY IMPORTANT,,, DO NOT YELL WHEN YOU WIN!!!! DO NOT SHOW EXCITEMENT,,,, complain about how much youve LOST SO FAR on other games,,,******

In the begining I would recommend a CARD to chart those initial 5-8 spins,,, you should be able to see very close to the release,,,,it is not difficult once youve done it for a while,,,

A TIP,,, Dont look at his Hand,,, Look at the Greens,,,0 and 00, as he has released it you will have a Specific Distance to those Greens you can work with,,,,you go to your chart Immediately and you can see the distance he released at,,, then Mark where itwas released witha 1,2,3,4,5,6, and where it stops on your chart,, with a 1,2,3,4,5,6 watever,,, you will see a pattern develop if they are any good at it,,, if they arent,,, you go to the next table,,,
Good Luck to all,,,

Retired; APRIL 2014 Thank You Gambling
Sep 20, 2004
I am gonna BUMP this thread until EVERY ONE HAS either TRASHED ME,,, or Ive gotten at least a HUNDRED VIEWS,,,,

all the best,,,

Retired; APRIL 2014 Thank You Gambling
Sep 20, 2004
Ok,,,, 500 Hundred Views DAMNIT!!!! hahahahaha
Bear with me guys,,,,,, Im trying to get feed back here,,,

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